Tuesday, March 27, 2012



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Monday, March 26, 2012



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What is variations in FIDIC 1987

Aas per clause 51.1
Alterations, Additions and Omissions

The Engineer shall make any variation of the form, quality or quantity of the Works or any part thereof that may, in his opinion, be necessary and for that purpose, or if for any other reason it shall, in his opinion, be appropriate, he shall have the authority to instruct the Contractor to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following:
(a) increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the Contract,
(b) omit any such work (but not if the omitted work is to be carried out by the Employer or by another contractor),
(c) change the character or quality or kind of any such work,
(d) change the levels, lines, position and dimensions of any part of the Works,
(e) execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the
Works, or
(f) change any specified sequence or timing of construction of any part of the Works.
No such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract, but the
effect, if any, of all such variations shall be valued in accordance with Clause 52.
Provided that where the issue of an instruction to vary the Works is necessitated
by some default of or breach of contract by the Contractor or for which he is
responsible, any additional cost attributable to such default shall be borne by the

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Computation for Rebar reinforcement weights

Here is a simple formula for computing the weihgt of reinforcement

Weight = d²/162 the units will be on kg/m

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Suspended Ceiling Bill of Quantitiy

Ref Description Qty Unit Rate in AED Amount in AED
A Supervision & co-ordination item 217,600.00
B Site accomodation & storage item 26,000.00
D Scaffolding & access item 78,750.00
E Production/working drawings item 24,000.00
F Insurances item 39,000.00
G O&M manuals &as-built information item 10,650.00
H Performance Guarantee item 24,000.00
K Fork lift for horizontal shifting item 36,000.00
L other priliminaries item 129,000.00
Common Areas
A Ceiling to lift lobbies and corridors;2400AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
plasterboard; tape & joint finish;10mm shadow
line;painted with one mist coat & two finish coat
vinyl matt emulsion inc allbeads,sealants and
cot outs for services 2,013 m2 67.00 134,871.00
B E/O plasterboard ceiling;recessed architectural
coffer;2550AFFL; 1200x1200 104 no 220.00 22,880.00
C E/O plasterboard ceiling; recessed grid ceiling;
2475AFFL; Rockfon Koral or equal approved;
24mm exposed grid with 600x600x15 mineral
fibre title; linc plywood pattresses and cut outs
for services 243 m2 198.00 48,114.00
D Ceiling to service lift lobbies; 2400AFFL;MF
ceilingwith one layer 13mm plaster board; tape
& joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted with
one mist coat & two finish coats vinyl matt
emulsio;inc all beads,sealants and cut outs for
services 125 m2 67.00 8,375.00
E Ceiling to garbage rooms;2400 AFFL; MF ceiling
system with one layer 13mm plasterboard;tape
& joint finish; 10mm shadowline;painted with
one mist coat & two finish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; inc all beads, sealants and cut outs
for services 156 m2 67.00 10,452.00
F Proprietary access panel; 600x600; non-fire
rated 364 no 306.00 111,384.00
G Temporary access panels for commissioning 208 no 40.00 8,320.00
LEVEL 1-13
A Ceiling to living/bed room (C1); 2800 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two inish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 16,326 m2 79.00 1,289,754.00
B Ceiling to kitchen/entry/WC (C1); 2400 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two inish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 3,801 m2 107.00 406,707.00
C Ceiling to bathrooms (C1); 2400 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
moisture resistant plasterboard;glasswool
insulation 14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; 10mm
shadowline; painted with one mist coat & two
finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including all
beads, sealants and cut outs for services 1,360 m2 113.00 153,680.00
D Ceiling to kitchen/entry (C2); 2400 AFFL; MF
ceiling system with two layer 13mm fire rated
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two finish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 1,850 m2 148.00 273,800.00
E Bulkhead (B!); 400mm; MF ceiling system with
one layer 13mm plasterboard;glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; painted with one mist
coat & two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including
all beads,sealants and cut outs for services 920 m 68.00 62,560.00
F Bulkhead (B2); 400mm; MF ceiling system with
two layer 13mm plasterboard;glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; painted with one mist
coat & two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including
all beads,sealants and cut outs for services 793 m 93.00 73,749.00
LEVEL 1-13
A Ceiling to kitchen/entry/WC (C5); 2400 AFFL;
fixed within plasterboard ceiling; 24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced plasterboard tile;
cliped in grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services 2,128 m2 86.00 183,008.00
B Ceiling to laundry (C5); 2400 AFFL;24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced plasterboard tile;
cliped in grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services 593 m2 86.00 50,998.00
C Ceiling to bathrooms (C6); 2400 AFFL; fixed
within plasterboard ceiling; 24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced moisture resistant
plasterboard tile PVC face to back of tile; cliped
into grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services 1,891 m2 86.00 162,626.00
D Pelmet; 18mm MDF; 3 sided; 490 girth; fixed on
timber batten fixed to concrete soffit; void to soffit
filled with insulation; painted with one mist coat
& two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; inc sealants 2,977 m 107.00 318,539.00
F Proprietary access panel; 600x600; non-fire rated 234 no 306.00 71,604.00
G Temporary access panels for commissioning 468 no 40.00 18,720.00
Common areas
A Ceiling to lift lobbies and corridors; 2400 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm plaster
board; tape & joint fonish; 10mm shadowline;
painted with one mist coat & two finish coats vinyl
matt emulsion inc all beads,sealants and cut outs
for services 1,184 m2 67.00 79,352.12
B E/O plasterboard ceiling; recessed architectural
coffer; 2550 AFFL; 1200x1200 58 no 220.00 12,760.00
C E/O plaserboard ceiling; recessed grid ceiling;
2475 AFFL; Rockfon or equal approved; 24mm
exposed grid with 600x600x15 mineral fibre tile;
inc plywood pattressess and cut outd for services 131 m2 198.00 25,938.00
D Ceiling to service lift lobbies; 2400 AFFL; MF
ceiling system with one layer 13mm plasterboard
tape & joint finish;10mm shadowline; painted with
one mist coat & finish coats vinyl matt emulsion;
inc all beads, sealants and cut outd for services 91 m2 67.00 6,097.00
E Ceiling to garbage rooms; 2400 AFFL; MF ceiling
system with one layer 13mm plasterboard tape
& joint finish;10mm shadowline; painted with one
mist coat & finish coats vinyl matt emulsion;inc
all beads, sealants and cut outd for services 83.92 m2 67.00 5,622.64
F Proprietary access panel; 600x600; non-fire rated 11 no 306.00 3,366.00
G Temporary access panels for commissioning 124 no 40.00 4,960.00
A Ceiling to living/bed room (C1); 2800 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two inish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 6,927 m2 79.00 547,263.42
B Ceiling to kitchen/entry/WC (C1); 2400 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two inish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 2,697 m2 107.00 288,534.49
C Ceiling to bathrooms (C1); 2400 AFFL;
MF ceiling system with one layer 13mm
moisture resistant plasterboard;glasswool
insulation 14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; 10mm
shadowline; painted with one mist coat & two
finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including all
beads, sealants and cut outs for services 744 m2 113.00 84,122.85
D Ceiling to kitchen/entry (C2); 2400 AFFL; MF
ceiling system with two layer 13mm fire rated
plasterboard;glasswool insulation 14Kg/m3;
tape & joint finish; 10mm shadowline; painted
with one mist coat & two finish coats vinyl matt
emulsion; including all beads, sealants and cut
outs for services 1,880 m2 148.00 278,261.46
E Bulkhead (B1); 400mm; MF ceiling system with
one layer 13mm plasterboard;glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; painted with one mist
coat & two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including
all beads,sealants and cut outs for services 398.11 m 68.00 27,071.48
F Bulkhead (B2); 400mm; MF ceiling system with
two layer 13mm plasterboard;glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3; tape & joint finish; painted with one mist
coat & two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; including
all beads,sealants and cut outs for services 483.448 m 93.00 44,960.66
A Ceiling to kitchen/entry/WC (C5); 2400 AFFL;
fixed within plasterboard ceiling; 24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced plasterboard tile;
cliped in grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services 841 m2 86.00 72,353.52
B Ceiling to laundry (C5); 2400 AFFL;24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced plasterboard tile;
cliped into grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services m2 86.00 -
C Ceiling to bathrooms (C6); 2400 AFFL; fixed
within plasterboard ceiling; 24mm exposed
grid with 600x600 vinyl faced moisture resistant
plasterboard tile PVC face to back of tile; cliped
into grid; 12.5mm thick; min density 8.5Kg/m2
Boral or equal approved; glasswool insulation
14Kg/m3;inc plywood pattresses and cut outs for
services 735 m2 86.00 63,182.48
D Pelmet; 18mm MDF; 3 sided; 490 girth; fixed on
timber batten fixed to concrete soffit; void to soffit
filled with insulation; painted with one mist coat
& two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; inc sealants 1,755 m 107.00 187,777.51
E Pelmet; 18mm MDF; 3 sided; 920 girth; fixed on
timber batten fixed to concrete soffit; void to soffit
filled with insulation; painted with one mist coat &
two finish coats vinyl matt emulsion; inc sealants m 107.00 -
F Proprietary access panel; 600x600; non-fire rated 75 no 306.00 22,950.00
G Temporary access panels for commissioning 146 no 40.00 5,840.00
H E/O seismic joint; as drwg SK-4500-07 62.79 m 338.00 21,223.02

Blockwork rates

The rates here are base in UAE dirhams and as per my experience third fixing are very costly so you have to add additional ... and try not to include in your contracts the chasing becaused you wiil have to comeback to a certain level just to make the chasing due to electrical design layout were not ready so..give this to MEP contractors anyway they will be the one to insert the water line and electrical line..ok and note if the comback work were due for almost 2 months try to specify that you will will have a daywork charges because your tools and materials were already set up to a different level and you need to mobilize the tools and materials going back to the same area.

Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05 m²
Walls; 150mm thick m² 95.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 106.00
Walls; 200mm thick; curved m² 106.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 150mm thick m² 114.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 123.00

Expansion joints or the like m
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 28.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 33.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 29.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; curved m 30.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 35.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
100 x 100 x 150 long x 6mm thick (HEAD RESTRAIN) No 36.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 89.00
Walls; 100mm thick fire rated m² 107.00
Walls; 100mm thick curve 93.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 250mm thick m² 139.00
Walls; 350mm thick m² 223.00
Walls; 300mm thick m² 204.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405- 2 HOUR FIRE RATED m 32.00
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 26.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 36.00
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 36.00
25 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 36.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 150 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels;150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 200 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 98.00

Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 89.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 106.00
Walls; 200mm thick; curved m² 106.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 105.00
Walls; 150mm thick m² 114.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 123.00
Walls; 250mm thick -
Walls; 300mm thick 194.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 26.00
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405;2 hour fire rated m 32.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 33.00
Expansion joints or the like (Cont'd)
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 29.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; curved m 30.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405: 2 hour fire rated m 35.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405: 2 hour fire rated m -
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 37.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 390mm; 1Nr T16 bar m
Lintels;150 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 105.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m
Galvanised steel blockwork wall head restraint angles
100 x 100 x 150 long x 6mm thick No 36.00
SLIDING TIES AT 800 MM C/C (ST-200) No -
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05 m
Walls; 150mm thick m 96.00
Walls; 250mm thick m 122.00
Walls; 350mm thick m 179.00
Expansion joints or the like m
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 28.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 30.00
25 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 39.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 150 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 200 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 98.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00

Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 89.00
Walls; 100mm thick; curved m² -
Walls; 150mm thick m² 96.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 106.00
Walls; 200mm thick; curved m² 109.00
Walls; 250mm thick m² 122.00
Walls; 300mm thick m² 135.00
Walls; 300mm thick; curved m² 179.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 107.00
Walls; 150mm thick m² 114.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 123.00
Walls; 400mm thick m² 223.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 26.00
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; curved m 28.00
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 32.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 28.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 33.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 29.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; curved m 30.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 35.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 30.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 32.00
25 wide joint to 400mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 39.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels;150 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 105.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 250 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Galvanised steel blockwork wall head restraint angles
100 x 100 x 150 long x 6mm thick No 36.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 300mm thick m 204.00
Walls; 350mm thick m 223.00
Walls; 250mm thick m 139.00
Expansion joints or the like m
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 37.00
26 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 39.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 30.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 150 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m -
Lintels; 200 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 98.00

Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 89.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 106.00
Walls; 200mm thick; curved m² 109.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 107.00
Walls; 150mm thick m² 114.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 123.00
Walls; 250mm thick m² -
Walls; 300mm thick m² 204.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 26.00
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 32.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 33.00
Expansion joints or the like (Cont'd)
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 29.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; curved m 30.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 35.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 36.00
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 37.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels;100 x 390mm; 1Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 105.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 300 x 190mm; 2Nr T16 bar m
Galvanised steel blockwork wall head restraint angles
100 x 100 x 150 long x 6mm thick No 36.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05 No
Walls; 150mm thick m² 96.00
Walls; 250mm thick m² 122.00
Walls; 350mm thick m² 179.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 28.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 32.00
28 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 39.00
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m -
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 150 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00

Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.1 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick m² 89.00
Walls; 150mm thick m² 96.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 106.00
Walls; 250mm thick m² 122.00
Walls; 300mm thick m² 135.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 150mm thick m² 114.00
Walls; 200mm thick m² 123.00
Cavity walls; comprising 200 thick outer skin, 200 inner skin; 100mm wide cavity m²
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 26.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 28.00
25 wide joint to 150mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 33.00
Expansion joints or the like (Cont'd)
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 29.00
25 wide joint to 200mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 35.00
25 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 30.00
25 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405 m 32.00
25 wide joint to 500mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 42.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 150 x 190mm; 1Nr T12 bar m
Lintels;150 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 105.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 250 x 190mm; 2Nr T12 bar m
Lintels; 300 x 190mm; 3Nr T12 bar m
Galvanised steel blockwork wall head restraint angles
100 x 100 x 150 long x 6mm thick No 36.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-05
Walls; 100mm thick fire rated m² 107.00
Walls; 250mm thick m² 139.00
Walls; 300mm thick m² 204.00
Walls; 350mm thick m² 223.00
Concrete blockwork; as Specification 04200-2.1.2 (non fire rated construction); reinforced as drawing S0-M-04
Walls; 350mm thick m² 179.00
Expansion joints or the like
25 wide joint to 100mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 32.00
26 wide joint to 250mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 36.00
26 wide joint to 300mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 hour fire rated m 37.00
25 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; 2 2 hour fire rated m 39.00
25 wide joint to 350mm thick wall; insulation filler, sealant pointed both sides; as Drawing INT-405; m 39.00
Precast concrete lintel blocks, including in-situ infill concrete; as Specification 04200-3.4
Lintels; 100 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 100 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 150 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 75.00
Lintels; 200 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 98.00
Lintels; 200 x 190mm; 4Nr T16 bar m 115.00
Lintels; 250 x 100mm; 2Nr T16 bar m 115.00

Extra Over for Fair Faced Blockwork m² 32.00
Extra Over for Fair Faced Blockwork inside the mechanical shaft as per AFC Project Manager instruction m2 32.00

Extra Over for Pointing Works m² 22.00

Vertical Control Joints m 24.00


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